Research and/or Professional Experience:
1980-1983 Research Associate, Princeton University, Chemistry.
1983-1988 Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Wake Forest University
1988-1993 Associate Professor of Chemistry, Wake Forest University
1993-1995 Professor of Chemistry, Wake Forest University
1990-1995 Faculty Associate, Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC.
1995-2008 Faculty Associate, Department of Physiology and Pharmacology, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC.
1995-2003 Professor of Chemistry, State University of New York at Buffalo
2003-2008 UB Distinguished Professor, State University of New York at Buffalo
2000-2008 Larkin Professor of Organic Chemistry, State University of New York at Buffalo
2007-2009 Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Dirhodium Technologies, Inc.
2008-present Asa Griggs Candler Professor of Chemistry, Emory University
Honors and Awards:
1989 Wake Forest University Excellence in Research Award
1999 Fellowship from the Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science
2000 Johnson & Johnson Focused Giving Grant (In recognition of outstanding research toward the advancement of science and technology in health care)
2001 University at Buffalo, College of Arts and Sciences Excellence in Teaching Award
2001 Visiting Professor at the Graduate College of the University of Aachen, Germany
2002 University at Buffalo Exceptional Scholar Program, Sustained Achievement Award
2002 State University of New York Chancellor’s Excellence in Teaching Award
2002 State University of New York Chancellor’s Research Recognition Award
2003 State University of New York Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities
2004 Niagara Frontier, Inventor of the year 2nd Place – Physical Sciences
2005 American Chemical Society Cope Scholar Award
2005 Niagara Frontier, Inventor of the year 2nd Place – Physical Sciences
2007 Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry
2008 George Büchi Visiting Lectureship, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2009 Fellow of the American Chemical Society
2011 2010-2011 Novartis Lecturer
2012 Eastman Lecturer, UC Santa Barbara
2012 TGH Jones Memorial Lecture, University of Queensland, Australia
2013 Bristol-Myers Squibb Lecture, UCLA
2013 Bristol-Myers Squibb Lecture, Princeton
2013 Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science
2013 eEROS Reagent of the Year Award
2014 Frank Burnett Dains Memorial Lecture, University of Kansas
2014 Visiting Professor at the Ecole Supérieure de Physique et de Chimie Industrielles (ESPCI), Paris, France
2015 Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors
2015 Aldrich Lecture, Oklahoma State University
2015 Aldrich Lecture, Ohio State University
2015 Swiss Chemical Society Lectureship
2016 Research Award of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
Professional Activities:
American Chemical Society Organic Division Representative to the Catalysis Secretariat, 1993-2003
Executive Officer, National Organic Symposium, American Chemical Society 2003
Chair, Organic Division of the American Chemical Society, 2005
Alternate Councilor, Organic Division of the American Chemical Society, 2008-2010
Councilor, Organic Division of the American Chemical Society, 2011-2013
Co-Organizer, Organic Division of the American Chemical Society, Academic Young Investigator Symposium, 2006-present
Program Chair, Gordon Conference on Heterocyclic Compounds, 2005
Member of the Editorial Board, Organic Reactions, 2004-2010
Member of the Editorial Board, Organic Syntheses, 2008-present
Editorial Advisory Board, Chemical Society Reviews, 2005-2013
Associate Editor, Chemical Society Reviews, 2013-present
Guest Editor, Tetrahedron Asymmetry: Special Issue on “Catalytic Asymmetric Carbene Transfer Reactions”, 2003
Editorial Board, Chirality, 1996-present
Expert Analyst, CHEMTRACTS-Organic Chemistry, 2000-2008
Associate Editor, Current Organic Synthesis, 2002-2008
Associate Editor, Mini-Reviews in Organic Chemistry, 2002-2008
Editorial Advisory Board Member, Current Medicinal Chemistry–Central Nervous System Agents, 2000-2006
Editorial Advisory Board Member, Current Organic Synthesis, 2002-2008
NIAAA Study Section Reviewer, 1994, 2003, 2005
NIDA Study Section Reviewer, 1997, 2000,
NIH Medicinal Chemistry Study Section Reviewer, 1999, 2001
NIMH Study Section Reviewer, 2003
NIH-SBC-B Study Section Reviewer, 2005
NIH Neuroscience Study Section Reviewer, Permanent Member 2005-2006, 2007
NIH Synthetic & Biological Chemistry-B Study Section Reviewer, Permanent Member 2006-2010
NIH IMST-11 Small Business Review Panel, Chair, 2011-2012
NSF Board of Visitors Review Panel, 2013
International Tenure Review Panel Member, HEJ Research Institute of Chemistry, University of Karachi, Pakistan, 2006
External Review Committee Member, Department of Chemistry, Bryn Mawr College, 2006
Consultant, Oxychem, Inc., 1996-1998.
Consultant, Merck Inc., 2005.
Research Interests:
Catalytic asymmetric C–H functionalization
New synthetic methodology based on carbenoid intermediates
Design of chiral catalysts for asymmetric synthesis
Total synthesis of biologically active natural products
Development of enabling technology for the synthesis of pharmaceutically relevant targets
Development of medications for neuropathic pain, other CNS diseases and anticancer agents