BOS 2022 will take place live & virtually!
It is with a great pleasure that we welcome you to the Balticum Organicum Syntheticum 2022! The conference will take place as hybrid event, which will provide a possibility of in person as well as online participation, aiming to meet the needs of colleagues from Europe as well as participants from the rest of the world.
The BOS 2022 conference is dedicated to remember Prof. Victor Snieckus, who is the prime mover behind BOS.
Abstract submission and online registration is now open. We look forward to see you in Vilnius!
Balticum Organicum Syntheticum (BOS) has become an internationally recognized organic chemistry conference, held biennially in the capitals of the Baltic States of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. In 2022, BOS will celebrate its 22nd anniversary conference in the city where it all began two decades ago – Vilnius, Lithuania.
After nearly twenty years, the excitement of sharing chemical discoveries by the international community at BOS remains ever so strong. Since its inception, the BOS conference programme and format consists of 1) plenary lectures by distinguished international speakers and three Baltic speakers and 2) poster sessions held in a most congenial and discussion-stimulating atmosphere. BOS2022 will also include 15 min short talks by younger scientists. The BOS conferences are renowned for their balance of academic and industrial talks, presenting the fundamental and practical aspects of organic chemistry.
BOS 2022, Vilnius is an international conference on organic synthesis. The BOS conference main aims have remained unchanged during this long nineteen years history:
- to convey the excitement of synthetic organic chemistry as practiced in industry and universities worldwide;
- to promote interactions between chemists of different countries in order to create links, collaborations, common research projects in both, academic and industrial settings.
Programme and format
- invited lectures by a distinguished roster of Baltic and international speakers;
- a balanced program of academic and industrial speakers presenting fundamental and practical aspects of organic synthesis;
- poster sessions held in a congenial atmosphere to stimulate discussion;
- a full social programme with a reception, final banquet and city tours.


President Kersti Kaljulaid in BOS 2018
We have the honour to announce that the President of the Republic of Estonia will address the conference BOS2018 at […]
Student fee
Baltic students may apply to the special fund for reduced registration fees. The Contact will be provided upon sending letter […]