
Balticum Organicum Syntheticum 2024, 7-10 July


Welcome Reception

The Welcome Reception will be held on Sunday, July 7 from 19:00 until 21:00 at the Latvian National Museum of Art (Jaņa Rozentāla laukums 1).

BOS 2024, Riga constitutes the 12th biennial international conference on organic synthesis. The main aims of the BOS conference have remained unchanged throughout its long 24-year history:

  • to convey the excitement of synthetic organic chemistry as practiced in industry and universities worldwide;
  • to promote interactions between chemists of different countries in order to create links, collaborations, common research projects in both, academic and industrial settings.

Programme and format

  • Invited lectures by a distinguished roster of Baltic and international speakers.
  • A balanced program of academic and industrial speakers presenting fundamental and practical aspects of organic synthesis.
  • Poster sessions held in a congenial atmosphere to stimulate discussion.
  • A full social programme with a reception and final banquet.



Phil Baran

Phil Baran

The Scripps Research Institute, USA
Jonas Bucevičius

Jonas Bucevičius

Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences, Germany
Janine Cossy

Janine Cossy

ESPCI Paris, France
Martin D. Eastgate

Martin D. Eastgate

Bristol-Myers Squibb, USA
Margaret M. Faul

Margaret M. Faul

Amgen Inc, USA
Vladimir Gevorgyan

Vladimir Gevorgyan

University of Texas at Dallas, USA
Eva Hevia

Eva Hevia

University of Bern, Switzerland
Ivo Leito

Ivo Leito

University of Tartu, Estonia
Daniele Leonori

Daniele Leonori

RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Timothy Noël

Timothy Noël

University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Rebecca T. Ruck

Rebecca T. Ruck

Merck Research Laboratories, USA
Christopher Vanderwal

Christopher Vanderwal

University of California, USA
Janis Veliks

Janis Veliks

Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis, Latvia
John C. Warner

John C. Warner

The Technology Green House, USA
Helma Wennemers

Helma Wennemers

ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Johan Wennerberg

Johan Wennerberg

Red Glead Discovery, Sweden