Karl Anker Jørgensen

Expanding the Borders of Chemical Reactivity
Molecules Plenary Speaker
Karl Anker Jørgensen has for approx. 20 years given ca. 800-1,000 popular lectures (both in DK and other countries) dealing with topics as chirality, the mirror-imaged world, molecular gastronomy, chemistry and other related topics. Furthermore, during a period of ca. 2 years he appeared almost weekly on the popular national radio show “Sara and David” (by Danish Broadcasting Corporation (DR3)) and “Formiddag på 4’eren” (DR4).
Karl Anker Jørgensen has also been involved in other DR programs – one such example is: “Den Spejlvendte Verden” which was awarded at XI PRIX LEONARDO.
Curriculum Vitae
To download the abstract, please click HERE.