Balticum Organicum Syntheticum 2018, 1-4 July 2018
BOS 2018, Tallinn constitutes the 10th biennial international conference on organic synthesis. The BOS conference main aims have remained unchanged during this long eighteen years history:
- to convey the excitement of synthetic organic chemistry as practiced in industry and universities worldwide;
- to promote interactions between chemists of different countries in order to create links, collaborations, common research projects in both, academic and industrial settings.
Programme and format
- Invited lectures by a distinguished roster of Baltic and international speakers.
- A balanced program of academic and industrial speakers presenting fundamental and practical aspects of organic synthesis.
- Poster sessions held in a congenial atmosphere to stimulate discussion.
- A full social programme with a reception, final banquet and city tours.
In Tallinn, we will celebrate our 10th BOS by remaining true to our aims with a diverse and wide-ranging program, including several Nobel Laureates and our exemplary academic-industrial representation of speakers. We cordially invite you to join us in Tallinn for a feast of organic chemistry, partake Estonian culture, enjoy architecture, and beauty of Tallinn and local cuisine. We hope to make it a memorable experience for all particpants. “Tere tulemast!” together with “Labas!” and “Sveiks!”


Pavel Arsenyan

Cheng Yi Chen

Thomas J Colacot

Huw Davies

Joshua Dunetz

Martin D. Eastgate

Vytautas Getautis

Véronique Gouverneur

Robert Howard Grubbs

Dzmitry Kananovich

Jean Marie Lehn

Martin E. Maier

Rubén Martin

Paolo Melchiorre

Karl A. Scheidt

Jeffrey I. Seeman

Lauren Sirois

Virgil Percec

Antonio Togni
President Kersti Kaljulaid in BOS 2018
We have the honour to announce that the President of the Republic of Estonia will address the conference BOS2018 at […]
Student fee -50%
We have the pleasure to announce that thanks to the generous support from our sponsors, the conference fee for students […]
Ms Kristin Lippur
Janis Jermaks
Lukasz Wozniak