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We are happy to welcome you all back to Tallinn, Estonia Save the date for next BOS conference: BOS 2026, […]
Announcement: Registration Closed
We are thrilled to announce that we have reached the maximum number of participants for our conference. Registration is now […]
For me, the best things about BOS conference are the following: - it has really high quality speakers, as on most years, there has been at least one Nobel prizer giving a lecture - the atmosphere of the conference is always pleasant and not too formal, so students have the opportunity to meet great professors in person - there are many speakers from industry, which is not common for a conference.
Kristin Erkman
Thank you for organizing the conference. It was fun and useful. If at all possible, definitely I will participate in the next conference. Thank you and hope to see you again in Tallinn.
Artiom Magomedov
BOS2016 was wonderful and interesting. Yes, the chemistry I liked very much but also many other things. I will definitely plan to be in Tallinn for BOS.
Lukas Šteinys
BOS 2016 conference, as always was very successful: there were many interesting presentations and excellent chemistry. A big thank you to the organizers!