Title: Transition Metals in Synthesis and Alternatives
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Janine Cossy did her undergraduate and graduate studies at the University Champagne-Ardenne in Reims (France), working on photochemistry under the supervision of Prof. J.-P. Pète. After a postdoctoral stay with Prof. B. M. Trost at the University of Wisconsin (USA), she came back to Reims as CNRS Associate Researcher. In 1990, she was appointed Professor of Organic Chemistry at the ESPCI in Paris. Janine Cossy’s research interests focus on the synthesis of natural products and biologically active molecules and on the development of synthetic methods. Her research efforts have resulted in more than 560 publications and 18 patents. Among the awards, she received the CNRS Silver Medal (France, 1996), the UK Royal Society Rosalyn Franklin International Lecturership awarded to internationally recognized women scientists (UK, 2005); the IUPAC 2019 Distinguished Women in Chemistry or Chemical Engineering (2019). She is a member of the French Academy of Sciences since 2017.